August 28, 2019
This post will guide and give idea how to play Hero Development Day On Last Shelter Survival Game.. - This even will occurs every thursday when you have COZ event, and Have Enemey.. Not On Warm Up Phase..
Our Main AIm In this even is to get the highest box available on your account,, and to play this even correctly u must have WISDOM MEDAL To play.. why ?? because this is the most easiest way.. if you already have an army that able to beat level 15 Zombie or you are WHALE player that have tons of SUPER RECRUITMENT TICKET dont you dont even need tips and trick to play this game, cause u just need to use that recuritment ticket and thats will complete the task.., but if you are or this is your farms account that dont have much super recruitment ticket or not WHALE player, then this tips may help you. so lets begin.
The Trick Is Very Simple,, You Must Have WISDOM MeDAL TO PLAY,, and wait the DAILY MISSION AND THE COZ EVEN have the SAME TASK -- so you will have greater reward for the same task, usually until level 19, you will have task to complete 2.7M point ( if you stil not have box 4-6 Technology on Advance Reward ZONE COM ), thats easy task that need you to have at least 1200K wisdom medal to play,, and dont forget to have that extra 50% zon com Item use before you are doing anything..
The Clash Of Zones On Hero Development Have This Task.
And If Your daily challenge is not like that, and for example like this one below. then dont do it
After you get the daily challenge and Clash Of Zone Task same, then dont forget to start, the first step to make your task easier is to apply that score bonus card.. looks below
Then Start Your Task.. To Fill The 2.7M Point.... Remember Clash Of Zones Have 24 Hours Lifespan, so you dont need to complete it on one go, but on DAILY TASK, it have 59Minutes Lifespan, so you need at least do this task 2 times to complete clash of zone and daily task, wait to have the same Mission. if you only able to open the 3rd box technology, dont go TOO FAR ABOVE 2.7. its' a waste of wisdom medal and you get nothing... 2.7M is about 2 times maxed BLUE heroes skill + level 4 skills blue heroes., Watch The Video below, for the practice of the tips..
Our Main AIm In this even is to get the highest box available on your account,, and to play this even correctly u must have WISDOM MEDAL To play.. why ?? because this is the most easiest way.. if you already have an army that able to beat level 15 Zombie or you are WHALE player that have tons of SUPER RECRUITMENT TICKET dont you dont even need tips and trick to play this game, cause u just need to use that recuritment ticket and thats will complete the task.., but if you are or this is your farms account that dont have much super recruitment ticket or not WHALE player, then this tips may help you. so lets begin.
The Trick Is Very Simple,, You Must Have WISDOM MeDAL TO PLAY,, and wait the DAILY MISSION AND THE COZ EVEN have the SAME TASK -- so you will have greater reward for the same task, usually until level 19, you will have task to complete 2.7M point ( if you stil not have box 4-6 Technology on Advance Reward ZONE COM ), thats easy task that need you to have at least 1200K wisdom medal to play,, and dont forget to have that extra 50% zon com Item use before you are doing anything..
The Clash Of Zones On Hero Development Have This Task.
And If Your daily challenge is not like that, and for example like this one below. then dont do it
After you get the daily challenge and Clash Of Zone Task same, then dont forget to start, the first step to make your task easier is to apply that score bonus card.. looks below
If You Have 100% Clash Of Zone Score Card,, Use That Instead. |